Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do you say that name of yours? It's easy, "Hellebuyck" is pronounced "Hell-uh-buck". It's a Belgian name and boy if we only had a dollar for every time we had to spell it.
Where do you find items sold in your shop? Anywhere and everywhere! We can't pickup the phone and order antiques, so we are in constant search mode. Sometimes items find us when we least expect it.
Do you buy guns or ammunition? Yes, we buy guns and ammunition, even entire gun collections. If selling a handgun, we require your copy of the Michigan pistol registration.
Can I put items on layaway? Yes, we offer up to 90-day layaway terms on items with deposit.
Do you accept credit and debit cards? Yes, we accept most credit/debt cards and even cash. We also offer gift cards for any amount $20 or more.
Do you do gunsmithing? No, we do not offer gunsmithing repair or services.
Will you ship items? No, we do not ship any items, large or small. In-store sales only.
Do you accept consignments? No, unlike most shops today, we own our inventory and prefer to purchase items outright.
I have too much stuff, do you buy items? The saying around the Trading Post is "We buy, sell and trade anything that strikes our fancy." We would love to look at items you want to sell and will make the fairest offer we can. We also buy entire collections large or small! Click here for details.
Why is the Trading Post closed Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays? Well, I'm a family man and Sunday's are for family time. Mondays and Tuesdays are for getting things done, such as buying items, restocking, pricing items, cleaning, shop maintenance, accounting and errands, etc.
Where do you find items sold in your shop? Anywhere and everywhere! We can't pickup the phone and order antiques, so we are in constant search mode. Sometimes items find us when we least expect it.
Do you buy guns or ammunition? Yes, we buy guns and ammunition, even entire gun collections. If selling a handgun, we require your copy of the Michigan pistol registration.
Can I put items on layaway? Yes, we offer up to 90-day layaway terms on items with deposit.
Do you accept credit and debit cards? Yes, we accept most credit/debt cards and even cash. We also offer gift cards for any amount $20 or more.
Do you do gunsmithing? No, we do not offer gunsmithing repair or services.
Will you ship items? No, we do not ship any items, large or small. In-store sales only.
Do you accept consignments? No, unlike most shops today, we own our inventory and prefer to purchase items outright.
I have too much stuff, do you buy items? The saying around the Trading Post is "We buy, sell and trade anything that strikes our fancy." We would love to look at items you want to sell and will make the fairest offer we can. We also buy entire collections large or small! Click here for details.
Why is the Trading Post closed Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays? Well, I'm a family man and Sunday's are for family time. Mondays and Tuesdays are for getting things done, such as buying items, restocking, pricing items, cleaning, shop maintenance, accounting and errands, etc.